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Kompetenzcheck für Schüler, Auszubildende und Arbeitsuchende


ist die englische Version des KoJACK- Basis

KoJACK-Basic is an online-based procedure for students, apprenticeship training position seekers as well as for trainees to determine their competences. This tool is designed to provide you with a first, well-founded assessment of an adolescent’s skills and for which profession or industrial sector those skills qualify a young person. Therefore, the test evaluates important characteristics, e.g. the willingness to work in physical demanding jobs or how developed accuracy and cognitive abilities are. 

KoJACK-Basic gathers basic data regarding the competences with importance to a certain professions and processes them in reverence to a comparison group.

The following areas of competence are included:

  • Methodical basic competences
  • Personal basic competences
  • Social basic competences
  • Educational basic competences
  • Professional basic competences

Each of those areas of competences are structures in five sub-categories, like e.g. routine and speed, manual skills, accuracy and accuracy of perception.